Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cathy Dennis & Christina Aguilera

I am so excited about the new Christina's album cos it's been rumoured that there's gonna be 4 tracks co-written by Cathy Dennis. Keeping My Fingers Cross.

Little Dreamer (Cathy Dennis, Daniel Hunt, Reuben Wu, Christina Aguilera)
Birds of Prey (Cathy Dennis, Daniel Hunt, Reuben Wu, Christina Aguilera)
Kimono Girl (Cathy Dennis, Daniel Hunt, Reuben Wu, Christina Aguilera)
So What You Got (Cathy Dennis, Dr. Luke, Christina Aguilera)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Chynna Phillips Remember Me

This was my fave ballad from Chynna's debut solo Naked and Sacred. Remember Me was released only as a promo single in US. It's a great album but didn't manage to strike it big, which I am surprise.

CN Blue Arigatou

Arigatou is taken from CN Blue's latest Japanese Release Thank U. A great rock ballad. Havent really got back to my J-Pop mood, this track will get me J-Pop-ing again.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

C-Quint Tod Wela Bart Jeb

This my my fave ballad from their 1st Full Length album "Hybrid". Tod Wela Bart Jeb is a mellow ballad and great hamony from the boys. Their debut self-titlted EP was really great too.