Monday, April 19, 2010

ED's Top 20 (12-18 April 2010)

It's already a new week and there's a new No. 1. K. Will's latest Present is at No. 1 this week up from last week's No. 4. Present is the hottest wedding song now in Korea and it's K's second No.1 of 2010. Last week's No.1 by KCM is down one spot to No.2 with Tae standing strong at No. 3.

2 new entries this with V.One's Nightmare at No.19. Nightmare's a ALA Santana style mid tempo tune, catchy and easy to groove to. V's other single is at No. 4, dropping 2 spots from last week's No.2. The second new entry comes in at No. 20 with another Hot girl band from Korea, T-ARA.

Biggest mover of the week is from Rain. Rain's Love Song is up 6 spots to No. 11 this week.

Till next week. Ed's signing off.

Here's the M4R version of the No.1 Smash Present by K Will for iPhone users.

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